Parents' Guild
The Parents' Guild of Villa Joseph Marie exists to provide a positive liaison between the parents and the school. The goal of the Parents' Guild is to enrich and enhance the school environment through activities and events that promote school spirit. Every parent is a member of the Parents' Guild.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the general meetings, which provide an opportunity to meet fellow parents, acquire information on school issues and activities, and become involved in your daughter's school.
For more information about the Parents' Guild and its activities, please explore the tabs below. We look forward to meeting you and working together to make our daughters' Villa experience the best it can be!
- Parents’ Guild Executive Board Nominations
- Parents' Guild Executive Board - Position Duties
- Freshman Welcome Picnic
- Ring Day
- Mother-Daughter Tea
- Yearbook Parties
- Christmas Social
- Volunteering with the Parents' Guild
- Fathers' Club
Parents’ Guild Executive Board Nominations
Parents' Guild Executive Board - Position Duties
In the spring, the Parents' Guild looks for volunteers to fill Executive Board positions of the Parents’ Guild for the following year. It is most rewarding to serve on the Board as an Officer or Committee Member. You can make a difference in your daughter’s experience at Villa, meet new friends, and interact directly with school administration.
The Parents' Guild of Villa Joseph Marie exists to foster, promote, and encourage the social, financial, and educational activities of Villa and to foster communication between the school and parents. Our goal is to engage the parent community in becoming involved in Parents’ Guild-sponsored initiatives and events to enrich and enhance the school environment through social activities and fundraising events that promote school spirit.
Scroll down to view the duties of each Executive Board position.
Officers of the Guild
President (Officer)
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The President shall:
- A. Preside at all meetings. In the absence of the President, the First Vice President shall preside, followed by the Second Vice President if necessary. The presiding Officer shall have the power to discharge the duties of the office of President.
- B. Be an office member of all committees of the “Guild”.
- C. Plan the agenda for each Board and Membership meeting.
- D. Assist each officer to carry out his/her responsibilities.
- E. Communicate with the school president and school principal to assure the information of mutual interest is conveyed.
- F. Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
- G. Review all correspondence before being sent out on behalf of the “Guild” via mail, email or website.
- H. Appoint Special committees, as necessary.
Past President (Officer)
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested. The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Past President shall:
- A. Serve in an advisory capacity.
- B. Attend “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
First Vice President (Officer)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The First Vice President shall:
- A. Fulfill President’s duties in their absence.
- B. Be the liaison between the Guild and Main Office for all requests.
- C. Coordinate all fundraising activities of the Guild.
- D. Manage the Guild’s database working in conjunction with the School Administrative Assistant to the President and Principal.
- E. Share the responsibility for coordinating all Guild Membership meetings.
- F. Be responsible for collecting a written and electronic report at the end of each fundraising event and disseminate to subsequent school year’s Committee.
- Coordinate all Class Representatives.
Second Vice President (Officer)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Second Vice President shall:
- A. Fulfill Presidential duties in the absence of the President and First Vice President.
- B. Coordinate all student spirit days or special student event days.
- C. Assist the First Vice President with the responsibility for coordinating all “Guild” Membership meetings (e.g. arranging events, speakers, etc.).
- D. Be responsible for collecting a written and electronic report at the end of each event.
Treasurer (Officer)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Treasurer shall:
- A. Receive all funds due the Guild including, but not limited to, donations, dues, fund raising monies, etc. and deposit same in a designated depository.
- B. Act as custodian of funds and perform all banking activities of the Guild.
- C. Prepare monthly bank reconciliations.
- D. Provide for payment of all bills and obligations of the Guild by check and/or credit card.
- E. Provide a written and oral financial report of the receipts and expenditures at each Executive Board meeting.
- F. Provide a summary report to the membership each month.
- G. Provide Newsletter Editor with a summary of revenue and expenditures for each newsletter.
- H. Prepare an annual budget to be reviewed with the Board at the August Planning meeting.
- I. Provide a detailed budget for each committee and activity. Reviews budget with committee at kick-off meeting for each event.
- J. Review all invoices and receipts submitted for payment reimbursement to ensure each request is in compliance with Guild policies. Pay all bills and disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Board. All payments in excess of $1,000 must have the approval of the President, Treasurer or School Business Manager.
- K. Submit all requested/required financial information to the School Business Manager as needed throughout the year and for the year-end audit.
- L. Oversight of Assistant Treasurer and campus store finances and activities.
Assistant Treasurer (Officer)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Assistant Treasurer shall:
- A. Attend fundraising events to assist with finances such as the Mother-Daughter Tea.
- B. Assist campus store finance functions.
- C. Assist the Treasurer in receiving and processing funds due the “Guild”.
Recording Secretary (Officer)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Recording Secretary shall:
- A. Keep all records of the “Guild”.
- B. Record or cause to be recorded all minutes of meetings of the “Guild” and provide the minutes of the previous meeting in advance of the monthly Executive Board meeting in electronic format.
- C. Keep a signed and dated copy of the Constitution and By-Laws in a file and add amendments as they are voted upon by “Guild” Executive Board and approved by the School Administration.
- D. Keep a current continuous list of all approved actions or motions of the “Guild” in the minutes file for reference.
Communications Liaison (Officer)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Corresponding Secretary shall:
- A. Be the communication link between the Guild and General Membership including but not limited to oversight of the Guild email account.
B. Send notices for all General Membership and Executive Board meetings and conduct all necessary correspondence for the Guild. This correspondence shall include communications with the membership at large and with the Executive Board in both written and electronic format. Special communications on specific projects may be sent directly by committees if necessary.
C. Attend to the official correspondence of the Guild including but not limited to gestures of appreciation and sympathy on behalf of the Guild.
D. Be responsible for soliciting information about guild-related current events or activities, and items of interest to Villa families in a format to be distributed as needed via a link in the school’s communication or through the Parents’ Guild email.
E. Coordinate all Parents’ Guild webpage modifications including, but not limited to:
Content and format design of Guild pages
Forms and links for Guild events
Coordinate posting of Parents’ Guild Communication and web page modifications with the School Director of Communications once approved by the Parents’ Guild President.
Guild Committees
Campus Store (Committee)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Campus Store Committee shall:
- A. Be responsible for the sales and purchases of items for the school store.
- B. Be responsible for inventory, ordering and finances related to school store.
- C. Coordinate preorder sales for incoming freshman, special orders at any time deemed necessary.
- D. Provide coverage for hours of operation during school and at “Guild” or special school events (e.g., Back-to-School Night, Open Houses, General Membership meetings, etc).
- E. Prepare donation of school store items to various groups as needed.
Freshman Representatives (Committee)
Summary of committee responsibilities and activities:
They shall assist at all Guild and school functions as needed.
Freshman Committee Representatives have the following specific responsibilities:
Assist Senior Reps with the Ring Mass Dinner
Coordinate the Christmas Social
Sophomore Representatives (Committee)
Summary of committee responsibilities and activities:
They shall assist at all Guild and school functions as needed.
Sophomore Committee Representatives have the following specific responsibilities:
Coordinate and serve as active members of the Mother/Daughter tea
- Chair a Committee for the Mother/Daughter teaAssist Junior Reps with the
- Baccalaureate Dinner on the day of the event
Junior Representatives (Committee)
Summary of committee responsibilities and activities:
They shall assist at all Guild and school functions as needed.
Junior Committee Representatives have the following specific responsibilities:
Coordinate Back-to-School Night refreshments
Coordinate Baccalaureate Dinner
Senior Representatives (Committee)
- Summary of committee responsibilities and activities:
- They shall assist at all Guild and school functions as needed.
- Senior Committee Representatives have the following specific responsibilities:
- Coordinate Ring Day
- Coordinate 100 Days until Graduation
Alumnae Representatives (Committee)
- They shall assist at all Guild and school functions as needed.
- Alumni Committee Representatives have the following specific responsibilities:
- A. Coordinate Back-to-School Night hospitality coverage.
- B. Coordinate Alumnae Yearbook Party (held the night before Thanksgiving).
- C. Attend Board Transition Meeting
- D. Attend Executive Board Meetings throughout the year
- E. Attend Parents Guild Christmas Social
- F. Senior/Alumnae Parents’ Tribute Dinner
- G. Assist with Graduation
Fathers’ Club (Committee)
- To build a community with the Fathers of Villa at events of their choosing
- Provide community service as needed at Villa
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all-inclusive.
- The Fathers’ Club Co-Chair(s) shall:
- A. Help with coordinating parking and security at various events such as plays, sporting events and graduation.
- B. Provide support for Ring Day and Christmas Social
Hospitality (Committee)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Hospitality Committee shall:
- A. Be responsible for planning, purchasing, and serving refreshments for certain school-sponsored events and “Guild-sponsored” events (e.g., Back-to-School Night, Open Houses, General Membership meetings, Christmas Social, etc).
Mother-Daughter Tea Co-Chairs (Committee)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Mother-Daughter Tea Co-Chairs shall:
- A. Oversee all committee activities in accordance with the “Mother-Daughter Tea Planning Guidelines.”
- B. Invite “Guild” President, First Vice President and Treasurer to attend all Tea committee meetings.
- C. Keep “Guild” President and First Vice President apprised of all decisions/planning.
- D. Prior year’s co-chairs shall serve in an advisory capacity to new co-chairs.
Social Events Chairperson (Committee)
- Attend all “Guild” Executive Board meetings.
- Assist at all “Guild” and school functions as requested.
- The following itemizes specific responsibilities although this list is not all inclusive. The Ways and Means Committee shall:
- A. Coordinate Social Events Committee composed of volunteers from the Executive Board and parent community. This committee will plan events that offer opportunity for social interaction and community building throughout the year.
- B. Provide information to Executive Board at monthly meetings with updates on activities.
- C. Be responsible for the 50/50 and raffle at “Guild” events when necessary. Provide support for Guild events if needed.
- D. Provide annual summary report in electronic format.
Freshman Welcome Picnic
Ring Day
Mother-Daughter Tea
Yearbook Parties
Christmas Social
Volunteering with the Parents' Guild
The Parents' Guild is involved with many activities during the school year. We rely on current Parents' Guild committee members and volunteers to help organize and work all of the events sponsored by the Parents' Guild as well as other school-sponsored activities.
If you are interested in volunteering for Guild-sponsored events, please complete this online form.
Important Note: For the safety of our students, all parent volunteers who will have direct contact with students must acquire certain clearances before being permitted to volunteer at Villa Joseph Marie. Please see Volunteer Clearances for more information.
If you have any questions regarding the Parents' Guild, please contact the Parents’ Guild at
Fathers' Club
The members of the Villa Joseph Marie Fathers’ Club work in distinctive ways to support their daughters’ education and social development, and to provide assistance for projects in and around the school. As an organization, we believe that fathers play an important and unique role in their daughters’ lives, especially during the high school years. Membership in the Fathers’ Club is just one way in which we show our love and our commitment to them during this time. The Fathers’ Club is always interested in new members and in new ideas. Our membership is open to dads, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, or any adult male figure who serves as a vital male role model to any one of our students.
The Fathers’ Club is involved in many facets of the girls’ experiences here at Villa. Fundraising events that we are heavily involved in allow us to continue to support Villa’s mission each year. Social events are a way to interact and connect with other groups within the Villa community. One of the most important facets that we are involved in is providing our time for our girls. The Fathers’ Club provides supervision (security) for many of the events that occur throughout the school year, and the fathers are always willing to give even more of their time whenever the need arises for any special projects or events.
We help in other ways at the school as well, such as parking cars at events; assisting with set construction, if needed for the school productions; and cleaning up after dances and other school functions.
Become involved at the level that your time and talents allow but become involved! Being a part of the Fathers’ Club is a great way to make new friends and to build lasting memories of your daughter’s time here at Villa. Interested in volunteering? Click here. For more information, please contact