Consider who you would like to spend time with: the elderly, the poor, the sick, the disabled, animals, or children. When you call a potential service site, introduce yourself as a student of Villa Joseph Marie, ask about their current needs, and offer your available times.
We encourage you to complete your service with one organization, if possible. By this we mean serving all 10 hours (or more!) a year with one site. This gives you time to practice commitment, to build relationships, and to learn more about what it would be like to work with that organization.
Manor Care, Lower Makefield
Chandler Hall, Newtown
Twining Village, Holland
Attleboro Nursing Home, Langhorne
Woods Services, Langhorne
Wood River Village, Bensalem
Immaculate Mary Home, Philadelphia
St. Joseph’s Manor, Meadowbrook
People Who Are Hungry and Homeless
Greater Philadelphia Food Bank
St. Francis Inn, Kensington
Blessed Sarnelli Community
Aid For Friends, Meals to Shut-ins
Habitat for Humanity
Interfaith Housing Corp. of Bucks Co. Project SHARE (Bucks Co. area)
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
Sacred Heart Church, Trenton
American Red Cross
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Holy Redeemer Hospital
Children and People with Disabilites
Athletes Helping Athletes
Make a Wish Foundation
Ronald McDonald House
Bucks Co. Special Olympics
Special People in Northeast
Libertae of Bensalem
Inglis House Wheelchair Community
Project Rainbow/Drueding Center
Operation Santa Claus
Girl Scouts/Camp Fire Girls
CARES Program, parish after-school programs
Animal Allies
This list of suggested service sites is by no means complete; there are many more placements in our community. Please pass on any contacts you recommend to the Mission & Ministry Office.