Weekly Calendar Email
Every Friday during the school year, Villa publishes a weekly Calendar email to keep you in the loop about upcoming events and deadlines for the following week. All current students, parents, and staff are automatically added to this weekly email list. If you are not receiving the weekly email and would like your email address added to our weekly list, please fill out the form below. Note: Our weekly email is only sent out while school is in session.
Questions or submissions may be forwarded to Erica Franzzo at efranzzo@vjmhs.org or 215-357-8810, ext. 115.
Note: If you previously received the weekly emails, but have not been receiving it this year, it may be going to your Junk folder. Before subscribing below, please check your Junk folder. Also, please add noreply@villajoseph.myenotice.com to your safe senders list. Thank you!