Competing as a Jem
At Villa, we welcome students of all skill levels to participate in athletics to promote good health and fitness, build the kind of friendships that come from working as a team, and experience the pride of competing as a Jem. In order to participate in Villa Athletics, student athletes and their parents have several responsibilities. Please click on the tabs below for more information about the steps you need to take, make-up testing dates, and deadlines.
More Information
- Class of 2028 Information
- Step-by-Step Process
- Athletics Handbook
- ArbiterSports (formerly FamilyID)
- PIAA Forms
- Concussion Education Presentation and Survey (CCET)
- Winter 2024 Information and Deadlines
- Winter 2024 sports tryouts
Class of 2028 Information
Golf Starts Monday August 5th.
Rowing starts September 3rd
Please check the VJM Athletics webpage over the summer for more information regarding time and location for each sport’s respective tryouts. The website will be updated as the information becomes available.
Register for fall tryouts using arbiter sports no later than Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
Go to the Arbiter Sports tab on the VJM Athletics Webpage and click on the “Register Now” button.
The registration period will be open after July 1.
Complete SECTION 6 of the PIAA “Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation” (CIPPE) form AND upload into FamilyID no later than Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
You may obtain the current PIAA form on the Athletics webpage under the PIAA Forms tab.
SECTION 6 must be completed by an Authorized Medical Examiner (AME).
SECTION 6 certification date must be listed as on or after May 1, 2024.
No prospective student-athlete may participate in tryouts/practices/contests until this form is completed and uploaded into Arbiter sports (No paper/hard copies will be accepted)—NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
View the MANDATORY Athletics and ImPACT Concussion meeting for ALL prospective student-athletes desiring to participate in FALL sports.
Link to view program is in the “competing as a jem” section of the Villa website.
No prospective student-athlete may participate in tryouts/practices/contests until this presentation is viewed—NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
Complete an ImPACT test
Link to complete impact test can be found in the “competing as a jem” section of the Villa Website
No prospective student-athlete may participate in tryouts/practices until ImPACT testing has been completed—NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
Pay an athletics fee
Athletics fees will be billed via your FACTS Account. Fall Athletic Fees will be billed on September 1st 2024 for any student who is on a Fall Sports roster except rowing. Rowing Fees will be billed on September 15th 2024. 2024-2025 Athletic Fees will be updated on the website by July 1 2024.
Fall sport coaches’ names and contact information can be found on the VJM Athletics webpage. Please contact Athletic Director Amy Barr with all other inquiries:; (215) 357-8810 ext 222
Step-by-Step Process
The following steps are required for registration and eligibility for participation in Villa Athletics:
- Student athletes and their parents must read and sign the Athletics Handbook.
- Student athletes must register on Arbiter Sports/FamilyID (all required fields).
- Student athletes must complete the PIAA CIPPE either SECTION 6 , SECTION 7 , OR SECTION 9) forms. You will need to upload the appropriate completed form to Arbiter sports/family ID
- Athletics Fee's 2024-2025 of $300 per sport except $400 for swimming, $850 for fall rowing, and $1150 for spring rowing). Fees will now be billed through FACTS tuition accounts.
- Student athletes must receive an ImPACT Baseline Test (once per year for the athlete, but prior to the first sport being played.)*
- This is taking place ONLINE this school year--please review the instructions in the "ImPACT" section below
- Student athletes must attend an athletics and concussion education presentation (once per year for the athlete, but prior to the first sport being played).*
- This is taking place ONLINE this school year--please review the instructions in the "ImPACT" section below
Athletics Handbook
All Villa student athletes and their parents must sign the Athletics Handbook agreement form via FamilyID for the 2022-2023 school year by the first scrimmage or contest of their respective sport.
The Athletics Handbook for the 2022-2023 school year can be found within each of the FamilyID registrations for athletics.
ArbiterSports (formerly FamilyID)
Villa uses ArbiterSports (formerly FamilyID) to offer our families the convenience of online athletics registration and surveying. ArbiterSports is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through ArbiterSports, the system keeps track of your information in your ArbiterSports profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs.
It will be helpful to have the following information handy to allow for accurate completion of your online registration.
- Your completed PIAA CIPPE form(s) (see the PIAA Forms tab below)
- Insurance information for the prospective athlete
A parent/guardian should register by clicking here:
Follow these steps:
- To find your program, click on the link provided by the Organization above and select the registration form under the word Programs.
- Next click on the green Register Now button and scroll, if necessary, to the Sign Up/Log In green buttons. If this is your first time using ArbiterSports, click Sign Up. Click Log In, if you already have an account.
- Sign Up for your secure Arbiter Sports account by entering the account owner First and Last names (parent/guardian), E-mail address and password. Select the agreement to the ArbiterSports Terms of Service. Click Sign Up.
- You will receive an email with a link to activate your new account. (If you don’t see the email, check your E-mail filters (spam, junk, etc.).
- Click on the link in your activation E-mail, which will log you in to
- Once in the registration form, complete the information requested. All fields with a red* are required to have an answer.
- Click the Save & Continue button when your form is complete.
- Review your registration summary.
- Click the green Submit button. After selecting ‘Submit’, the registration will be complete. You will receive a completion email from ArbiterSports confirming your registration.
At any time, you may log in at to update your information and to check your registration(s).
To view a completed registration, select the 'Registration' tab on the blue bar.
If you need assistance with registration, contact FamilyID at or 1-800-311-4060. Support is available 7 days per week, and messages will be returned promptly.
PIAA Forms
All students who wish to participate in Villa Athletics must submit SECTION 6 of the PIAA Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE) from the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA). No prospective student athlete may participate in tryouts, practices, or contests until the proper CIPPE form is completed and handed in. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
- Please note that the PIAA Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Evaluation forms are NOT the same forms as those required for all new students entering Villa.
- SECTION 6 must be completed by an Authorized Medical Examiner (AME).
- SECTION 6 of the CIPPE evaluation must be conducted and dated on or after May 1 (immediately preceding the current school year) in order for the evaluation to be deemed valid by the PIAA.
- The SECTION 6 form must be the most up-to-date version. A link to the correct/acceptable form is below.
- SECTION 6 is for athletes who have not yet participated in Villa Athletics during the current school year.
- SECTION 7 is the parent re-certification for those who have already participated in Villa Athletics during the current school year. (Only for Winter or Spring seasons, if you participated in a Fall sport.)
- SECTION 8 must be completed for any student who required medical treatment from a licensed physician of medicine or osteopathic medicine after previously turning in her SECTION 6 form. (Only for Winter or Spring seasons, if you sustained an injury or serious illness that required medical attention. It must be submitted with SECTION 7.)
Concussion Education Presentation and Survey (CCET)
Directions to the VJM Online CCET Concussion Education Presentation and Survey:
1. Click on link:
to open the online learning module for Concussion Education.
2. Fill out your FIRST and LAST name, GRADE, SPORT, and EMAIL. Then click on then go to the next section.
3. The next section is the Pre-Test it is a total of 10 questions. Complete this pretest and then go to the next section.
4. The next section is the PRESENTATION. There are 3 total modules. After each module you will answer a few questions about that module. There is a total of 10 questions.
5. Each section of this presentation takes approximately 10 minutes.
6. When the presentation for each section is completed you will need to answer the MULTIPLE CHOICE OR TRUE/FALSE questions in each section.
7. When you have completed the presentation and all the questions you will have completed the education portion for school.
8. Your Athletic Trainer will be able to see who has completed this presentation and the score you receive on the questions.
9. This will fulfill Part 1 of 2 of your mandatory Concussion Education for the 2024-2025 school year. Part 2 is completion of the ImPACT test. Instructions for this test are in the ImPACT Test Agreement and on the Athletics webpage under the "ImPACT" tab.
Deadline to complete the test is:
- Fall Sport Athletes (ALL athletes trying out for a Fall 2024 sport): Wednesday, August 7, 2024
You need only view this presentation ONCE per school year prior to the first sport you play.
ImPACT: Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing
The Comprehensive Concussion Education Program Team is dedicated to educate our student athletes, parents, and coaches on the most current concussion information that is available, to make smarter, safer, return-to-play decisions. Baseline testing can be a helpful tool to assist a healthcare provider with diagnosing a concussion and determining a safe return to play.
With these two concepts in mind, the Team is made up of members of the medical, educational, and athletic communities. The core of the Team is to be the certified Athletic Trainer, who also is the on-site coordinator; the Trauma Prevention Coordinator of the local hospital; and a member of the local BrainSTEPS Team. Together the core of the Team will enlist the help of other professionals to provide the most current concussion education and the most clinically reliable baseline testing possible.
- ImPACT is a baseline concussion education test that all of our student athletes complete. It is not a pass/fail test. Do the best you can.
- This is a mandatory test for ALL athletes
- Test may take anywhere from 20 to 35 minutes.
- You may use either a laptop or desktop--please do NOT use a tablet
- Choose a quiet test environment
- Deadline to complete the test is:
- Fall Sport Athletes (ALL athletes trying out for a Fall 2024 sport): Prior to your first day of tryouts
- Browse to:
- Enter the customer code: 85C7SQV9RE
- Click Validate
- Launch Baseline test
- Please enter all demographics and follow the prompts on the screen to finish the test in its entirety.
- At the end of the test, you can email yourself a receipt of the test. No need to print or email anything to the Athletics Office. We will get an updated report of everyone who completed their baseline test.
Completing this test will fulfill 1 of 2 parts of your mandatory Concussion Education for the 2024-2025 school year. The other component, for your reference, is completion of the Concussion Education Presentation. Instructions for this presentation are in the Concussion Education Presentation Agreement and on the Athletics webpage under the "ImPACT" tab.
You need only view this presentation ONCE per school year prior to the first sport you play.
Winter 2024 Information and Deadlines
Winter 2024 Sports Information
**Arbiter Sports registration is now Open
Winter Sports Begin November 15th
Please check the VJM Athletics webpage for more information regarding time and location for each sport’s respective tryouts. The website will be updated as the information becomes available
All prospective Spring sport student-athletes MUST:
- Register for Winter Sports using ArbiterSports (formerly FamilyID) no later than November 13th
- The registration period is now open
- Go to the FamilyID tab on the VJM Athletics Webpage and click on the “Register Now” button. Once redirected to Arbiter Sports/FamilyID, select “Villa Joseph Marie High School 2024-2025 Winter Athletics Registration”
- If this is your 1st sport 2024-2025 school year, Complete SECTION 6 of the PIAA “Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation” (CIPPE) form AND upload into Arbiter Sports/FamilyID
- If you played a fall sport, you need Cippe section 7 Parent recertification form.
- You may obtain the current PIAA forms on the Athletics webpage under the PIAA Forms tab.
- SECTION 6 certification date must be listed as on or after May 1, 2024.
- The SECTION 6 form must be the most up-to-date version
- SECTION 6 must be completed by an Authorized Medical Examiner (AME).
- No prospective student-athlete may participate in tryouts/practices/contests until this form is completed and uploaded into Arbiter Sports
- *Please be sure all sections of the CIPPE are fully completed before leaving your health care appointment. Incomplete forms are considered invalid and will not be accepted. Please take this form to the AME appointment as it is the most up-to-date form approved by the PIAA*
- View the CCET Concussion Education Presentation for prospective student-athletes desiring to participate in Spring sports.
- This presentation is offered online—the link to the survey is posted on the VJM webpage. Select Competing as a Jem and then select Concussion Education Presentation and Survey (CCET) from the vertical menu
- Survey responses must be received before your 1st day of tryouts
- Complete an ImPACT Baseline Test
- This test is offered online—the link to the test is posted on the VJM webpage. Select Competing as a Jem and then select ImPACT from the vertical menu
- ImPACT testing must be completed before your first day of tryouts
- New process***Winter sports Fees Basketball and Indoor Track $300.
- Swimming $400
- NEW** All Athletic Fees will be billed through FACTS tuition accounts. Any student on a Winter sports roster will be billed on December 3rd for their Winter sports Fees
- Any questions please reach out to Lynda Harkrader Business manager
- Any questions please reach out to Lynda Harkrader Business manager
- NEW** All Athletic Fees will be billed through FACTS tuition accounts. Any student on a Winter sports roster will be billed on December 3rd for their Winter sports Fees
- Swimming $400
- Winter coaches’ names and contact information can be found on the VJM Athletics webpage. Please contact Amy Barr, VJM Athletic Director with all other inquiries: at or (215) 357.8810 x222
- Please visit the Athletics webpage periodically for announcements regarding tryouts and optional open gyms over the summer.