Dear Parent or Guardian:
In anticipation of your daughter’s upcoming extended student activity, please supply the following information. In compliance with the SCHOOL drug and alcohol policy, and medication policy, no student is permitted to carry any form of medication. Arrangements for transport of medications essential to health (insulin, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, epi-pens) should be made with the trip administrator. IF YOUR DAUGHTER WILL NEED ANY MEDICATION DURING THE EXTENDED ACTIVITY, PLEASE COMPLETE PERMISSION TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION FORM ATTACHED. Prescribed medications which are necessary for the health of a child may be administered during this trip. It is recommended that, whenever possible, all medications be administered at home by the parent or guardian. The first dose of any new medication should always be administered at home to ensure close observation of any adverse reaction. If your physician decides it is necessary for your child to receive a medication during this activity, the parent or guardian may request that the school trip moderator administer the physician prescribed medication at scheduled times. The following school policies apply to all medications brought on this extended trip.
* The “Permission to Administer Medication” form below must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian. This form must be signed for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.
* Medication must be sent on the trip in the original pharmacy container with the current prescription label.
* If a licensed registered nurse is unavailable to administer the medication on a time schedule determined by the student’s physician, a care plan will be developed by the school nurse, and parent/guardian, to ensure the dosage is administered as scheduled.